The pandemic has presented numerous possibilities to create a name for oneself online as a creator. Thousands of people have started creating videos and uploading them on social media platforms over the last year. One of these platforms is YouTube. However, only a very few number of these creators are achieving the success or seeing the results they hoped for.
This is a problem that Harry Carlisle is helping creators solve every single day. “One of the most important parts of the video creation process, is ideation” Carlisle said. Coming up with video ideas that millions of people will click on and love comes down to a science, “but anyone can learn it” Carlisle said. He quotes a creative process that he actually learned from Ed Sheeran.
“Ed Sheeran has created hit after hit because of something called the ‘Clearing Your Pipes’ theory. The idea is that the creative process is like turning on a faucet connected to a dirty pipe. First all the mud comes out, next mud mixed with water and eventually clean water”. The creative process is just like this. Typically your first few ideas aren’t the greatest, but eventually if you keep with it, you’ll soon find that one great idea – almost as if you’ve uncovered a gem.
Harry Carlisle went on to say that he has every one of his creator’s first write out every idea they have for a video – no matter how silly it may be. From lists of hundreds, they dwindle it down to just a few. He uses market research, trends as well as many other data points to decide what idea will work best for that specific creator. Next he has them write out 20 different variations for titles and mock-ups for thumbnails.
“Titles and thumbnails are a very important aspect of the video creation process because if you cant get a viewer to click on your video, if they don’t peak a viewers curiosity then that viewer is scrolling right past your video to the next one on their feed” He said.
While Carlisle assists with all aspects of the creation process, he says what he loves most and usually what he focuses on is retention, or keeping viewers watching by creating compelling stories.
In order to keep a viewer engaged and glued to their seat, you need to create videos that relate or inspire. While there are many factors that go into creating captivating videos (and it’s not a one shoe fits all type of deal) Carlisle says that the hero’s journey or Dan Harmon’s the story circle is a very good place to start. This precisely sums up what Harry does for his clients. He fast tracks their journey as a creator by helping them create videos built on great ideas and great stories.
“The future is bright for content and content creators” Carlisle said. “In the third quarter of 2021, people watched 1.31 Billion hours of content on YouTube, I don’t think that’s going to change” Carlisle said in close.
Harry Carlisle is currently working with the YouTuber, Matthew Beem. In the last 6 months, Matthew has gained more than 1 Million subscribers. Matthew’s most popular video to date is about to surpass 20 million views. For more information about Harry Carlisle, reach out to him Twitter or Instagram.