Chubbs Wilson is the new face of online marketing. Chubbs Wilson has taken over the marketing scene helping Fortune 500 companies, and even influencers build a strong online presence and strong digital footprint. Chubbs Wilson being connected with celebrities and huge agencies from past business relationships like running adverts to sale concerts has taken that energy and transmute it to great marketing. Recently Chubbs Wilson has brought huge celebrities with his connection with managers and booking agents to be a part of social media campaigns with agencies such as Go Give Aways. Chubbs Wilson has helped the agency book celebrities such as Funny Mike, Hennessy Carolina, and even Funny Marco for a growth campaign with Cardi B.
Chubbs Wilson is the connector for if you want to gain brand awareness. Chubbs Wilson finds out what celebrities are dominating the internet, what niche audience your brand would stand out the most to, and what celebrity’s audience would your brand perform best with. Chubbs Wilson has made a living just connecting dots. Chubbs is the hugest networker I have met as Chubbs is very comical, energetic it is easy for him to make friends and business partners easily. Chubbs Wilson has helped many companies increase sales as he understands the culture and has love for many different aesthetics and knows what the people want.
Chubbs got his foot in the door with most of these connections as he used to be a celebrity videographer, and photographer and still might take outstanding photos till this day to help a brand with their image. When I spoke to Chubbs, he told me this and it stuck with me “If you have a computer and a phone there is no reason you shouldn’t be successful in today’s age you can reach important people with a click of a button of a LinkedIn message alone.” Chubbs has used the internet since 2012 to gain wealth and success Chubbs Wilson used to do software development for automation companies, and even cybersecurity companies so he is brilliant when it comes to how to do things on a laptop.
Outside of marketing Chubbs Wilson is a philanthropist and a Christian at heart and sometimes helps and volunteers at orphanages and feeds the homeless in the metro Atlanta area. Chubbs is working on helping build opportunities for people in need and supplying them with knowledge and opportunities that anyone with a cell phone can take advantage of. I can’t wait to see what Chubbs Wilson will have upcoming.